Variety of green-skinned melon and salmon flesh for a early transplantation. The shape of the fruit is round-oval, with an average weight of about 1.2 - 1.4 kg. The pulp is solid with a very crunchy salmon color and a fruity taste. The sugar level is very high even when the plant is grafted and it gives to the fruit a very pleasant taste. The internal cavity is small and solid. Post-harvest storage stands at the highest market levels (LSL). The combination of these peculiar characteristics makes this variety be unique. The plant is very rustic and it is adapted both to different climates of cultivation, especially in the early transplantation. It resists properly to the main adversities, above all against the oidium. Flowering is abundant even in difficult conditions with abundant fruit step.
Cycle: Unripe
HR: Fom 0, 1, 2
IR: Px
Variety of Italian netted melon with green skin suitable for medium and late tunnel and open field transplants. The plant is characterized by being rustic, with large leaves, good vigor with abundant flowering and excellent fruit set. The fruits are round with regular size between 1.0-1.5 kg, well-marked slice and excellent netting. The pulp is salmon colored, compact and consistent, medium-small cavity and excellent sugar content between 13 and 16 ° Brix. Genetic resistance to powdery mildew and aphids and a contained size does not exceed the commercial limits makes the variety suitable for late open field transplants even in late June.
Cycle: Medium early
HR: Fom 0, 1, 2
IR: GC; Px; AG;
Variety of yellow-skinned melon. The plant is very rustic and it fits properly in different temperature of cultivation, by resisting in a good way tol the main adversities and with a good tolerance towards the Odium problem. Flowering is abundant even in difficult conditions with excellent fruit setting. The shape of the fruit is oval, with excellent size already in precocious transplantation. The pulp is compact with a very crunchy orange color and an intense and fruity taste. The sugar level is very high even when the plant is grafted and it gives to the fruit a very pleasant taste. The internal cavity is very small and compact. Fragrant fruits with a covering texture. The turning of the slice from green to yellow is slow giving the fruit a good shelf life. The combination of these peculiar characteristics makes this variety unique.
The variety combines precocity and productivity at the highest levels of the market with high quality.
Cycle: Unripe
HR: Fom 0,1,2
IR: Px
Yellow melon variety characterized by a rustic, strong and covering plant. It adapts well to both early and medium-late cycles. It makes use of an excellent setting and homogeneous size of the fruits with a weight between 1.5 and 2kg. Thick and crunchy flesh with a high °Brix that combines well with an excellent post-harvest shelf life.
Variety of yellow melon suitable for medium-late transplants. Healthy plant with good vigor, covering and excellent ease of fruit setting. The fruits are oval, regular in size between 1.5-2.5 kg and with good roughness. The pulp is compact and consistent, medium-small placental cavity and sugar content between 14 and 15 °Brix. Variety suitable for late open field transplants and excellent LSL.
HR: Fom 0, 1, 2
IR: Gc; PX
Variety of Italian netted melon with green skin suitable for early transplants under plastic and late transplants in open fields as well. The plant is characterized by being rustic, with large leaves, good vigor with abundant flowering and excellent fruit set in all conditions. The fruits are round oval shaped, with regular size between 1.0-1.5 kg, well-marked slice and excellent netting. The pulp is deep red, compact and consistent, small cavity and excellent sugar content between 14 and 17° Brix. Genetic resistance to powdery mildew and aphids and regular size in several transplants more than commercial limits make the variety suitable for late transplants in open fields even in late June.
Cycle: Early
HR: Fom 0, 1, 2
Variety of yellow melon, the shape is wrinkled and round-oval, with a weight of 2-3 kg. It is characterized by a uniformity of the marketable fruit, and has a reduced cavity. It has also a very crispy white flesh, with an excellent flavor and high sugar content. It is characterized by a maximum of quality in its market segment and a high post-harvest shelf life. Plant with medium vigor when ripe concentrated, it is very rustic, with high tolerance to powdery mildew. It shows abundant flowering even under difficult conditions, and it is very productive. Finally, it bears well the crops with low available water supply and it is tolerant to the virus MNSV.
Cycle: Early maturing.
Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.
HR: Fom 0, 1, 2.
IR: Px 1, 2; Gc 1; MNSV.
Yellow wrinkled (gialletto rugoso) melon variety, it has a typical oval shape and a bright yellow surface. Inside the reduced hollow there can be found a white flesh extremely crunchy, very tasty and with a high brix rate. The plant is rustic and covering, it is highly productive and it presents a vigorous blossoming. It has also a good tolerance against ash disease. Finally the fruit weights between 2.5 and 3 Kg. (5.5/6.6 pounds) and qualifies itself to have good shelf life (LSL).
Cycle: Early maturing.
Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.
HR: Fom 0, 1.
IR: Px.