Mini seedless watermelon of 2.0-3.5 kg with striped, crimson skin. Strong, well resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses plant. Good setting and fruit homogeneity. The skin is thick and gives the fruit excellent shelf life in post-harvest. The pulp is crunchy with a good sugar content and a fruity flavor.
Midi seedless watermelon of 4-6 kg with uniform black skin of good thickness suitable for transport and conservation. Red and crunchy pulp with a high sugar content and a pleasant flavor. The plant is strong and resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses and suitable for medium and late transplants.
Seedless watermelon variety, Yamato type (Asahi Miyako). Fruit with a regular and uniform shape, it weights around 6-8 kilograms. The flesh is very sweet, red and crunchy. Plant with medium stamina, highly productive.
Cycle: Early maturing.
Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.
HR: Fom 0, 1.
IR: Px.
Variety of elongated watermelon type crimson sweet. It shows a fruit of elongated shape of medium-large size (14-16 kg) with very evident dark green streaks. The pulp has a bright red color, crunchy, poorly fibrous and with a high taste and brix degree. The peel is thin but resistant and it gives to the fruit a remarkable shelf life (LSL) post-harvest. The plant is very rustic, of a medium vigor and a good leaf coverage. It is very elegant and it shows an excellent adaptability to different temperature and soil. Flowering and setting give to HSM3-1740 / W24 a high productivity as well as good condition to diseases.
Cycle: Average unripe
Variety of seedless watermelon with clear striated peel. Produces oval and uniform fruit with a size of about 8 kg. The plant present a medium vigor and highly productive.
Cycle: Middle-earling maturing.
Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.
HR: Fom 0.1.
Mini seedless watermelon of 1.5-3.0 kg with light Charleston gray skin. The variety adapts to different cultivation cycles with very similar production and commercial characteristics. Excellent fruit setting even in difficult conditions. The flavor and the brix degree are very good.
Mini seedless watermelon of 2-3.5 kg with light streaked skin like Tiger. Good plant rusticity and fruit setting for medium and late transplants. very regular shape of the fruit and good thickness of the skin which gives excellent shelf life in post-harvest. Excellent red color and crunchy pulp, with good sugar content and flavor.
Mini seedless watermelon of 1.5-3.0 kg with uniform black skin of good thickness suitable for transport and shelf life. Strong and resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses plant, suitable for medium and late transplants. Good and uniform fruit set gives productivity and fruit homogeneity.
Red and crunchy pulp with a high sugar content and a pleasant flavor.
Mini seedless watermelon of 2-3.5 kg with light skin type Charleston grey. The variety is adapted to different cultivation cycles with very similar productive and commercial characteristics. Excellent fruit setting even in difficult conditions. The flavor and brix level are very good.
Ciclo: Early
IR: Co