Semi H1 qualità
Tomato 2025
Cucurbits 2025


/ Cherry

Variety of table tomato with indeterminate growth ideal for greenhouse cultivation. “Datterino” kind for harvesting in bunches or single fruit. The bunch is neatly arranged in a herringbone pattern with at least 14-16 fruits, weighing 14-16g and intense red color, the rachis is thick gives the bunch elegance and compactness. The fruits, of medium size, are characterized by excellent flavor and high sugar content with a minimum of 9° Brix throughout the growing cycle. The fruits have good resistance to cracking and excellent post-harvest shelf life (Long Shelf Life at the highest market levels). The plant is very rustic, healthy and balanced, with covering leaves and medium-short internodes.

Cycle: Medium early

HR: ToMV, Vd, Pf:A-E




/ Oblungo

Indefinite tomato from greenhouse of the oblong type, for harvest to green / red cluster and/or single fruit. Of intense green colour without collar (UG), with weight of 150/170 g, around 5 cm of diameter and 9 cm of length. Tall taste and excellent Long Shelf Life in picked post, to the maximum levels of market. Intense and bright colour to red. Raised resistance to the rottenness apical. Of tall middle vigour, quite a lot airy and with short and regular internodes also in the tall parches, Very rustic, he suits well for the autumn transplantations and the long cycle of the Sicilian crops. Rise productivity.

Cycle: Medium fast.

Sicily: September – march

Center - North Italy: January-july.

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol.

IR: TSWV; Ma, Mi, Mj.



/ Cherry

Fresh market tomato variety, red cherry type. With a distinctive shape and grace,its clusters are composed of compact and meaty fruits which weight is 20 gr. (0,04 pounds). Ripening is reached when fruits turn into shiny red. They have also an excellent shelf life (LSL) and high resistance against cracking. Aleandro F1 is a true cherry in terms of shape,size and colour, and provides customers with a strong and penetrating taste typical of Mediterranean tradition. The plant is rustic with medium stamina and short internodes. It takes well roots on summer.

Cycle: Early maturing.

Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol 1.

IR: TYLCV; Ma, Mi, Mj.



/ Cocktail Pera

Indefinite tomato from greenhouse, with form type vesuviano for harvest to red cluster. Of bright red colour, it has a weight of 40 gr around 3.5 cm of diameter and 5.5 cm of length. Introduces a big rachides of intense green colour. Raised taste and excellent Long Shelf Life in picked post, to the maximum levels of market. Of middle vigour, quite a lot airy and with short and regular internodes also in the tall stages. Very rustic, he suits well for the autumn transplantations, to the long cycle and it bears well the low temperature in cold greenhouse. High Productivity.

CYCLE: fast

Sicily: end agust-march

Center - North Italy: January-juin.

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol 1.




/ Roma Type

Indeterminate tomato variety for single fruit/cluster harvesting. Fruit shiny red, weights around 90-100 gr. Elegant clusters with herringbone shape even in the upper parts. Their stems preserve a deep green colour in shelf life. Very rustic, the plant adapts itself well to autumn transplants and long cycles, and it is very resistant to low temperatures of winter in cold greenhouse. It has short and regular internodes even in the upper parts. Great stamina.

Cycle: Middle-earling maturing.

Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol 0, Fol1.

IR: TYLCV; TSWV; Ma, Mi, Mj.



/ Ox Heart

Tomato with indeterminate growth of the ox heart type suitable for cultivation under greenhouses and harvesting with single ripe fruit. The variety is premature and particularly suitable for the long cycle, with continuous flowering and uniform fruit even in high stages. The fruit has a regular shape with medium ribs, bright green color and a marked striping which gives considerable elegance. The fruit is full and therefore has a high specific weight. The post-harvest shelf life (LSL) is at the highest levels of the market, it does not have blotchy and the stylar scar is flat suitable for processing in boxes. The plant is very strong and rustic, with an excellent root system that supports the plant well throughout the production cycle. The leaves are large and opaque and protect the fruits from possible burns due to excessive sunlight during the hot months. 

Cycle: Premature

Sicily: end of August-October

Center and North of Italy: Janaury-April

HR: TSWV / ToMV / Vd /

IR: TYLCv / Ma, Mi, Mj




/ Cherry

Red cherry tomato variety, indeterminate. Strong red in colour, weight 22-24 gr. , good resistance against cracking and a lasting shelf life(LSL). In springtime full growth fruits don’t show any yellow halo on them. It is strongly characterized by a fine taste typical of Mediterranean and graceful elongate-shaped cluster (herringboned) with thick rachis fat sepals. Artemyde F1is a very rustic plant with medium stamina. It is characterized by short internodes. It’s a highly productive plant and it maintains a luxuriant blossoming even in the upper part. Finally,it perfectly adapts to long crop cultivation and transplanting in autumn and winter.

Cycle: Early maturing.

Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.

HR: ToMV; Fol 0, 1.

IR: TYLCV; Ma, Mi, Mj.



/ Oblungo

Elongated tomato variety San Marzano type, with indeterminate plant ideal for single fruit harvesting (red and/or salad type). Artù F1 fruit qualifies itself with strong and regular shiny green (even the red version’s colour is maintained strong and homogeneous). Weight around 120 gr. (0,26 pound), 8.5-9 cm. (3.3-3.5 inches) in lenght, 5.5 cm. (2.1 inches) in diameter. Other important traits are the lack of green collar, a high shelf life (LSL), a high tolerance against apex rotting process and above all, San Marzano’s specific great taste. The plant is very rustic with high stamina, it shows covering foliage during summer and short internodes. Lastly, it maintains an excellent blossoming even in the upper part.

Cycle: Middle-earling maturing.

Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol 0, Fol 1.

IR: TYLCV; Ma, Mi, Mj.



/ San Marzano

Indefinite tomato from greenhouse and height field (awnings online), of the type San Marzano for harvest to green / red cluster and/or single fruit. Of intense green colour without collar (UG), with weight 135 gr around, 5 cm of diameter and 10 cm of length. A lot of uniform and of colour to red intense and bright, you/he/she is characterized by an excellent Long Shelf Life in picked post, to the maximum levels of market. Introduces an elevated resistance to the rottenness apical and a Mediterranean taste typical of the typology san Marzano. Of tall middle vigour, airy parochial and with short and regular internodes also in the tall stages. Very rustic, he suits well for the autumn transplantations and the long cycle of the Sicilian crops. Raised productivity to the maximum levels of market.

Cycle: Medium fast.

Sicily: September – march

Center - North Italy: January-may-july.

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol.

IR: TSWV; Ma, Mi, Mj.



/ Cocktail

Indeterminate cocktail tomato variety, ideal for cluster harvesting. The fruit is strong red and weights around 40 gr. (0,08 pounds). It has a high resistance against cracking as well as high shelf life(LSL). Baccus F1 is the new proposal for a true cocktail tomato within european market. Its mediterranean taste fits well for multiple recipes. Besides, the elegant clusters with garish sepals magnify the strong and shiny red surface of the fruit at the ripening. Lastly the plant is very rustic and covering. It has short internodes, it is highly productive and it adapts with success to long cycle and transplants in autumn and winter in the mediterranean area.

Cycle: Middle-earling maturing.

Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol 1.




/ Cherry

Variety of table tomato with undetermined growth ideal for growing up in greenhouses or under the net. Type of cherry with a herringbone bunch of minimum 14-16 fruits, weighing 10-12gg and 25-28mm caliber of intense red color, the rachis is very thick and it gives to the bunch elegance and compactness. The fruits, of medium-small size, are characterized by their excellent flavor and high sugar level with a minimum of 9 ° Brix throughout the growing cycle. Although it has a cherry flavor, the fruits have a good resistance to cracking and it has an excellent post-harvest shelf life (Long Shelf Life at the highest market levels). The plant is very rustic, strong, opaque and with a very short trunk space. It resists properly to high temperature exposures and it is adapted to different types of soil.

Cycle: Avarage unripe
HR: ToMV: 0, 1, 2 / For / Fol: 0,1 / Pst
IR: TYLCv / Ma, Mi, Mj



/ Determinate

Determined fresh market tomato variety for roman type single fruit harvest. Fruit with elonged shape, weight 120-130 gr., U.G. (green collar absent), deep green or shiny red when riped. Long shelf life and exceptional quality and taste. High fruit uniformity for the entire cycle. Medium stamina and compact plant, for open field cultivation. Excellent fruits leaf coverage. Progessive ripening. Highly productive.

Cycle: Middle-earling maturing.

Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol 0, Fol 1.

IR: TYLCV; TSWV; Ma, Mi, Mj.



/ Beef

Indeterminate tomato variety, beef type, for single fruit/cluster harvesting. Deep red colour fruit, with many lobes and weight around 180 gr. It has long shelf life (LSL) and superior taste, typically of beef tomatoes. Covering and moderate stamina, the plant has short internodes and it succesfully ripes even with high temperatures.

Cycle: Early maturing.

Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol 0, Fol 1.

IR: TYLCV; TSWV; Ma, Mi, Mj.



/ Cocktail

Indeterminate-growth cocktail-type table tomato variety for greenhouse cultivation. The bunch is arranged in a herringbone pattern of 10-12 fruits of 35-40 g each, with an intense red color. The rachis is very thick and gives the bunch elegance and compactness, as well as having a long persistence over time that always gives freshness to the bunch. The fruits have high resistance both on the plant (it does not split and it does not present blotchy) and  post-harvest  as well (Long Shelf Life at the highest market levels). The plant is very rustic, strong, covering and with short internodes. It resists high temperatures and it’s adapt to different types of soil as well.

Cycle: Medium-Early


 HR: ToMV /  Vd:0 /  Fol: 0,1; Pf-9




/ Cluster

For fresh market for greenhouse or open field cultivation indeterminate tomato variety. The plant is very rustic and short internode, with large and covering leaves, suitable for cultivation in hot periods. The root system is strong and wide which allows it to be used even in tired soils even if it is not very rich in organic substances. The fruit is round, smooth with uniform color (UG) and trilobed as well. When fully ripe it is intense red, very hard and with a very high shelf life (LSL). The bunch has 5-6 herringbone fruits, with a large and persistent rachis and excellent homogeneity of the fruits both in shape and size. The variety is suitable for harvesting in red bunch or single fruit both red and in color.

Cycle: Medium-early

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol 0, 1; SI




/ Cluster

Indeterminate tomato variety, red cluster harvesting. Shiny red, the fruit weights around 130 gr. (0,26 pounds) and it has long shelf life. Elegant clusters with herringbone shape even in the upper parts. Their stems preserve a deep green colour in shelf life. Plant with medium stamina, breezy and covering, it has short internodes which are regular even in the upper parts. Very rustic, it adapts well to autumn transplants and long cycles and it is very resistant to low temperatures of winter in cold greenhouse.

Cycle: Middle-earling maturing.

Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol 0, Fol 1.

IR: TYLCV; TSWV; Ma, Mi, Mj.



/ Cluster

Indeterminate tomato variety for red cluster harvesting. Shiny red, the fruit weights around 160 gr. and it has quite flat shape. It possesses long shelf life. Elegant clusters with herringbone shape even in the upper parts. Their stems preserve a deep green colour in shelf life. Plant with medium stamina, breezy and covering, it has short internodes which are regular even in the upper parts. Very rustic, it adapts itself well to autumn transplants and long cycles, and it is very resistant to low temperatures of winter in cold greenhouse. It is recommended avoiding the use of chemical growth retardants due to the fact the plant does not need any, and also because that can cause agronomic damages.

Cycle: Early maturing.

Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol 0, Fol 1.

IR: TYLCV; TSWV; Ma, Mi, Mj.



/ Green Variety

Variety of table tomato with undetermined growth ideal for growing in greenhouses or under the net. Type Green round “collared”. The fruits have a shiny dark green colour with very marked to be hooked up with a weight of 70-80g. The colour changes slowly and it gives high resistance both on the plant (not stained in the sun) and in post harvest (Long Shelf Life at the highest levels of the market). The plant is very rustic, strong, covering and adapts very well to high summer temperatures and different types of soil.

Cycle: Unripe
HR: ToMV / TSWV/ Vd:0 /  Fol: 0,1;
IR: TYLCv / Ma, Mi, Mj





/ Strecteched Industrial Tomato

Industrial tomato variety with fixed growth, ideal for open field cultivation. Lenghten fruit of 85-95g deep and homogeneous red color with very small central white taproot. Good sugar content that easily reaches values of 5.5-6 ° Brix. High resistance to cracking and excellent post-harvest shelf life (Long Shelf Life at the highest market levels). The plant is very rustic, strong and healthy, be covered and with a very short internode. It resists well to high summer temperatures and it adapts to different types of soil

Cycle: Medium early

HR: TSWV / Vd / Fol: 0,1 / Pst

IR: Ma,Mi, Mj.




/ Cherry

Red cluster harvesting tomato cherrytype. The fruit is shiny red, weight around 20-22 gr. and very long shelf life, one of the longest on market. Excellent as well its cracking resistance. The cluster is herringbone-shaped, very elegant and extended, with thick rachis and deep green and fleshy sepals. Its plant is very rustic with medium stamina and short internodes. Higly productive. It preserves an excellent blossoming even in the upper part. It adjusts well to long cycle.

Cycle: Early.

Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol 0, Fol 1.

IR: TYLCV; Ma, Mi, Mj.



/ Cocktail Pera

Variety of table tomato with undetermined growth ideal for growing in greenhouses or under the net. Type Mini plum or Pear cocktail. Bunch in herringbone pattern of 12-14 fruits of 40g of intense red color.  The rachis is very often with an elegant and compact bunch. The fruits enjoy high shelf life both on the plant (it does not suffer from cracks and apical rot) and in post harvest (Long Shelf Life at the highest market levels). The plant is very rustic, strong, opaque and with a short trunk space. It is adapted to the different types of soil and temperature of cultivation, by resisting properly to the high summer temperatures and the main adversities.

Cycle: Avarage unripe
HR: ToMV 0,1,2  Vd:0 /  Fol: 0,1,2;



/ Cluster

Red cluster harvesting tomato type. The fruit is shiny red by ripening time, weight around 130 gr. and 64-66 mm of size. Long shelf life. Its plant is thick and with medium stamina and with short internodes. Excellent blossoming in summer and spring transplants. It is caracterized by an elegant and herringbone-shape cluster.

Cycle: Early maturing.

Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol 0, Fol 1.




/ Marmande

Indeterminate tomato variety, type marmande. Shiny green fruit, by ripening time it grows shiny red. It has tipycally ribbed shape, broad green collar and it is characterized by typical superior mediterranean taste. It possesses impressive long shelf life. It weights around 180 gr. (0,36 pounds). Plant very rustic with medium stamina, it has short and regular internodes. Resistant to low temperatures of winter in cold greenhouse.

Cycle: Early maturing.

Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol 0, Fol 1.

IR: TYLCV; Ma, Mi, Mj.



/ Cherry

Cherrytomato variety (mini cherry type) with indeterminate plant ideal for single fruit harvesting and/or cluster harvesting (which is realized through cutting the main cluster into many). The fruit is characterized by a weight of around 15 gr. (0,03 pounds) and an excellent shelf life (LSL). It has a high resistance against cracking. Fine taste and bright red coloured, brix between 8 and 11 depending on the season. Maximus F1‘ s plant is very rustic and it has a medium stamina. It has short internodes, it is highly productive and it maintains a luxuriant blossoming even in the upper part. Lastly, it perfectly adapts to long cycles and transplants in autumn and winter, even with the grafting techniqu.

Cycle: Middle-earling maturing.

Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.

HR: ToMV; Fol 1.

IR: TYLCV; Ma, Mi, Mj.



/ Cherry

Variety of cherry tomatoes of the "premium range" of high taste, suitable to be harvested as a single-fruit red, both in bunches or portions of it. The plant has an indeterminate growth, it is very rustic, medium-vigorous with short trunk space and it is very well suited for long-cycle cultivation. Flowering and fruit set are abundant, continuous and constant even in the last stages. The intense red fruits acquires brilliance when fully ripe. The caliber is about 28-30 mm, with an average weight of 14-16 g. The crunchy epicarp gives the berries a good resistance to cracking phenomena and therefore a high shelf life in post harvest (LSL). Its excellent taste is due to the high value of Brix (minimum 9 even in winter) and the mix of aromatic substances, as well as antioxidants, that give it a particular fruity taste.

Cycle: Avarage unripe
HR: ToMV; Pst, Fol 0.
IR: TYLCV; Ma, Mi, Mj


MIL 64 F1


Pear type tomato with indeterminate growth suitable for greenhouse cultivation and single red fruit harvesting. The variety is precocious and really suitable for a long cycle, due to its continuous flowering and uniform fruits even in the tall branches. The fruit has a bright green color that is not collected, which gives it considerable elegance. The fruit is full and therefore of high specific weight. Post-harvest shelf life (LSL) is at the highest market levels, it does not show blotchy or apical rot even in the hottest periods. The plant is very strong and rustic, with an excellent root system that supports the plant well throughout the production cycle. The leaves are large and opaque and protect the fruit from possible burns due to excessive insolation in the hot months.

Cycle: Early

 HR: ToMV / Vd / FoL




MIR 98 F1

/ Cluster

Table tomato variety with indeterminate growth. It is characterized by short inter nodus and medium vigor with opaque but not excessively large leaves. The bunch is ordered in a herringbone pattern with 6-8 fruits and a very thick rachis, intense and persistent green. The fruit has a homogeneous round shape, an intense red color and a narrow and well-defined scar on the peduncle, therefore it is suitable for both single-fruit and cluster harvesting. The high homogeneity of size, the quality of the fruit and the excellent Long Shelf Life give it added value both for production and for marketing, even after long transports.


IR: TYLCV, Ma, Mi, Mj

Average weight: 100-120g 



/ Cherry


Cherry tomato for red bunch harvesting.
The bunch is in a herringbone pattern, it is very uniform and elongated, elegant and with thick rachis and fleshy sepals of a strong and persistent green color. Intense and bright red, it has an average weight of 22-24 g and excellent shelf life in post harvest (Long Shelf Life), definitely among the highest on the market. Crack resistance is also exceptional. Taste and high Mediterranean taste.
The plant is very rustic and it has a medium vigor, with short trunk gap, it proves to be highly productive and it maintains an excellent flowering in the apical part even with high temperatures. It is adapted  properly to crops with spring and summer transplantion.

Cycle: Average Unripe
HR: ToMV; Vd, Fol 1.
IR: TYLCV; Ma, Mi, Mj



/ Datterini

Table tomato variety with indeterminate growth, ideal for greenhouse cultivation. “Datterini” type for cluster or single fruit harvesting. The bunch is arranged in a herringbone pattern of at least 14-16 fruits, weighing 14-16g and with an intense red color, the rachis is thick and gives the bunch elegance and compactness. The medium-sized fruits are characterized by their excellent flavor and high sugar content with a minimum of 9°Brix throughout the cultivation cycle. Good resistance to cracking and excellent post-harvest shelf life fruit (Long Shelf Life at the highest market levels). The is a very rustic, healthy, and balanced plant with covering leaves and medium-short internodes.

HR: ToMV / Fol: 0,1



 IR: TYLCv / Ma, Mi, Mj



/ Determinate

Variety of determined limbed tomato destined to fresh market and to be harvested individually. It is characterized by a round shape fruits typical to the beef segment, it has 230 grams of weight, gauge G. Normally it has a deep green color that becomes bright red when ripe. It shows, in addition, a green collar slightly marked: GB. It is characterized by a high post-harvest shelf life (Long Shelf Life), an excellent flavor and the high quality of the fruit typical of the beef. During the cycle, the fruits presents a marked uniformity. Plant has a medium vigor and it is very opaque, for open field cultivation. Moreover, it has a good leaf coverage of the fruit, a considerable productivity and a high potential of setting during the period of high temperatures.

Cycle: Middle-earling maturing.

Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol 0, 1, 2.

IR: TYLCV; TSWV; Ma, Mi, Mj.



/ Green Variety

Indeterminate round green tomato variety, ideal for single fruit harvesting.

With a weight of 70-80 g and of size M, the fruit is characterized by an intense and brilliant green background color and a very marked collar. Slow color change of the fruit from green to red. High flavor and crunchiness of the fruit, with good shelf life even when fully red.

Of medium vigor, rusticity and covering with a short internode. Good productivity. Ideal for long cycle crops.


Cycle: Early.

HR: ToMV; Vd, Fol 0, 1.

IR: TYLCV; But, Mi, Mj



/ Roma Type

Indeterminate Roma tomato variety (romana allungata) with linked fruits, which suits best of single fruit harvesting. The fruit weights 110-120 gr. (0,24-0,26 pounds) and possesses long shelf life (LSL) even in the red ripening. The fruits taste great. Paride F1 plant is rustic, covering and with good stamina. It have also short internodes and it is highly productive.

Cycle: Middle-earling maturing.

Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.

HR: TSWV; ToMV; Vd; Fol 0, Fol 1.

IR: TYLCV; Ma, Mi, Mj.



/ Green Variety

Indeterminate green tomato variety (it behaves both as green and red) suitable for single fruit harvesting. With its weight of 220-250 gr. (0,48-0,55 pounds), the fruit is characterized by a shiny green surface which envelopes a tasty flesh. Another distinctive character of Pinty F1 is an excellent shelf life (even in the red version). The plant is very rustic and covering with medium stamina and a high production rate.

Cycle: Middle-earling maturing.

Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol 1.

IR: TYLCV, TSWV; Ma, Mi, Mj.



/ Ox Heart

Tomato with an uncertain growth of the ox heart type suitable for cultivation under greenhouses and harvesting with a single ripe fruit. The variety is premature and particularly suitable for the spring cycle, with continuous flowering and uniform fruit even in high stages. The fruit has a regular shape with good ribbing, uniform green color and marked striping which gives considerable elegance. The fruit has a good post-harvest shelf life (LSL) and has no defects or blotchy. The variety bears high temperatures very well while continuing to attach even in the hottest months. The stylar scar is flat, suitable for processing in cassettes. The plant is rustic, with an excellent root system suitable for supporting the productive load. The leaves are large and opaque and it protect the fruits from possible burns due to excessive sunlight in the hot months.

Cycle: Premature

Sicily: December - february

Center and North of Italy: April-July

HR: TSWV / ToMV / Vd / For




/ Cluster

Indeterminate tomato variety Roma type (romana allungata) suitable for cluster and/or single fruit harvesting. The fruits weight between 110 and 120 gr. (0,24-0,26 pounds). They are characterized by a gracefull and compact shape and a strong red colour at ripening. Sharek F1 represents the novelty among the tomatoes of medium size which grow in clusters, especially for its strong mediterranean taste and its excellent shelf life (LSL). The plant is rustic, with medium stamina and short internodes. It fits well in mediterranean cultivations.

Cycle: Middle-earling maturing.

Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.

HR: TSWV; ToMV; Vd; Fol 1.

IR: TYLCV; Ma, Mi, Mj.



/ San Marzano

Indeterminate tomato from greenhouses and open fields (net tents), of the San Marzano type for harvesting in green / red bunches and / or single fruit. Deep green collarless (UG), weighing approximately 170 g, 5 cm in diameter and 10 cm in length. Very uniform and with an intense and bright red color, it is characterized by an excellent Long Shelf Life in post harvest, at the highest levels of the market. It has a high resistance to apical rot, and a Mediterranean flavor typical of the San Marzano type. Medium-high vigor, quite airy and with short and regular internodes even in high boxes. Very rustic, it adapts well to autumn transplants and the long cycle of Sicilian crops. High productivity, at the highest levels of the market.


Cycle: Medium early

Sicily: September - March

Central and Southern Italy: January-July

Northern Italy: March - July

HR: TSWV / ToMV / Vd / Fol

IR: Ma, Mi, Mj; TYLCV





/ Perino

Indefinite tomato from greenhouse, with new form of fruit of the type perino for harvest to red cluster and/or single fruit. Of bright red color has a weight of 40 gr around, with 3.5 cm of diameter and 6.5 cm of length. Excellent Long Shelf Life in post picked and elevated taste with yielded aftertaste. Of middle vigour, quite a lot airy and with short and regular internodes also in the tall stages. Very rustic, he suits well for the autumn transplantations, to the long cycle and it bears well the low temperatures in cold greenhouse. High productivity in comparison to other typologies related to the segment of market of the tomato to small fruit (for instance ciliegino, vesuviano, etc.).

Cycle: Medium fast.

Sicily: end august – and march

Center - North Italy: January-may.

HR: ToMV; Vd; Fol.

IR: TYLCV; Ma, Mi, Mj.