Rustic and vigorous plant, with good leaf coverage and excellent fruit setting even in conditions of excess heat. The fruits are regular with 4 lobes, excellent wall thickness and high specific weight. The color change is wonderful give an excellent uniform yellow color, brilliant and persistent with excellent post-harvest resistance.
Yellow Lamuyo pepper suitable for cultivation in tunnels / greenhouses with summer-autumn transplants. The fruit is smooth with 4 lobes, a bright and thick yellow flesh that gives it considerable weight and an excellent post-harvest time (LSL). The plant is very strong and rustic, with an excellent root system that supports the plant well throughout the production cycle. The leaves are large and opaque that protect the fruits from possible injuries from excessive solar radiation during the hot months. The vegetative cycle is premature and flowering is continuous and constant in the cold months.
Cycle: early
Resitence: HR: TMV 0-3; PMMoV
Dimensions: 10x16cm
Sicily: Tunnel 15 July-15 August; GreenHouse September-October
Mid Italy: January-April
Spain: August-September
Lamuyo yellow pepper suitable for tunnel / greenhouse cultivation with Spring-Summer transplants. The variety is precocious and particularly suitable for the long cycle, with continuous flowering and uniform fruit even in high stages. The fruit has a regular shape with 4 lobes, bright yellow color and thick pulp which gives it considerable specific weight and an excellent post-harvest shelf life (LSL). The plant is very strong and rustic, with an excellent root system that supports the plant properly throughout the production cycle. With large and opaque leaves, it protect the fruits from possible burns due to the excessive sunlight in the hot months.
Cycle: Premature
Sicily: September-October
Center and North of Italy: February-May
HR: TSWV / Tm 0-3
Pepper variety for greenhouse, tunnel and open field cultivation. Ideal for areas affected by TSWV and PVY virosis. ¾ quadrilobated, smooth and homogeneous surface, very thick flesh, typical bright and shiny yellow, particularly long leaf stalk. Giovì F1 pepper is characterized also by a thick width and high shelf life (LSL). The plant is rustic and productive even in the upper branches. It has regular internodes.
Cycle: Middle-earling maturing.
Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.
Rustic and vigorous plant, with good leaf coverage and excellent fruit setting. The fruits are regular with 4 lobes, excellent wall thickness and high specific weight. It is possible to harvest a very dark green and without silvering. The color change is wonderful give an excellent bright and persistent red color with excellent post-harvest resistance.
Red Lamuyo pepper is suitable for tunnel/greenhouse cultivation with Spring-Summer transplants. The variety is a early and exceptionally suitable for long cycle, due to its continuous flowering and uniform fruits even in high stages. The fruit is regular with 4 lobes, intense red color and thick pulp that gives it consistent specific weight and excellent post-harvest shelf life (LSL). The plant is medium-vigorous, rustic and equipped with a good set of genetic resistances. The leaves are large to cover and to protect the fruits from possible sunburn due to excessive sunlight in the hot months.
Cycle: Early
HR: Tm 0-2
California Red Pepper suitable for tunnel/greenhouse cultivation with long cycle Summer transplants. The variety is premature, with continuous flowering and uniform fruit even in the high stages. The fruit has a regular shape with 4 lobes, deep red color and thick pulp which gives it considerable specific weight and an excellent shelf life both on the plant and post-harvest (LSL). The plant is very strong and rustic, with an excellent root system that supports the plant well throughout the production cycle. The leaves are large and opaque and protect the fruits from possible burns due to excessive sunlight during the hot months.
Cycle: Medium-Late
Sicily: July-August
Center and North of Italy: February-April
HR: TSWV / Tm 0-3
Red pepper variety related to sweet italian type with a particular horned shape. The fruit is very regular,elegant and with a long leaf stalk and its lenght is 22-23 cm. (8.66-9 inches), while its width around 5.5 cm. (2.1 inches). A shiny and bright red surface envelopes a very thick flesh extremely tasty.One of Urano F1‘s main characteristic is to possess also a long shelf life (LSL). The plant is very rustic with medium stamina and short internodes. It shows several other properties: it is highly productive; it maintains an excellent blossoming even in the upper stems; it adapts successfully to long cycle and transplants in autumn and winter.
Cycle: Middle-earling maturing.
Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.
Pepper variety for greenhouse, tunnel and open field cultivation. The fruit is ¾ quadrilobated, with an excellent width and high shelf life (LSL). It is characterized by a long leaf stalk and a uniform fruit, which is strong red and it has thick skin. Yahoo F1 plant is very rustic and productive even in the upper branches. It has regular internodes and takes well roots even with high temperatures.
Cycle: Middle-earling maturing.
Recommended transplants: Contact us to the address to access more concerning information.